Professional Solar Contractor in Colorado

Solar by Peak to Peak is the most reliable professional solar contractor in colorado, providing personalized attention and customer service so you know you’re getting the best solar energy system installation possible. 


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As the best solar company in Denver Metro and Greenwood Village, CO, Solar by Peak to Peak is the solar installer you need to take advantage of solar savings with the best solar equipment.

Colorado's Top-Rated Solar Contractors

Solar energy is quickly becoming one of Colorado’s most popular forms of renewable energy. Solar by Peak to Peak, which boasts some of the state’s top-rated residential solar contractors, can help create and execute a successful solar panel system design. Our team comprises thoroughly trained professionals who demonstrate extensive knowledge backed by extensive roofing experience.

We also provide professional installation services that minimize disruption while ensuring lasting efficiency and reliability. With Solar by Peak to Peak as your partner, you can be sure that you will have access to the best solar contractors and quality solar panels built to last.

Get Started Today with Our Expert Solar Installation Services!

Solar energy is the way of the future, and we are here to help you make a lasting change with expert solar installation. As one of the best solar companies in Denver Metro and along the Front Rage, our team of specialists can walk you through each step of the process and tailor a rooftop solar setup specific to your home. Investing in renewable energy today will set you up for long-term rewards.

We Are the Top Professional Solar Installer in Colorado to Protect Your Home

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular and often serves as an eco-friendly, cost-effective alternative energy source. Solar by Peak to Peak offers the best solar contractors and roofers available to help protect your home. By contracting with our company, you can trust that our team of professionals will install your equipment safely and correctly, using the highest quality materials in the industry.

We are fully committed to providing every customer exceptional service, excellent warranty coverage, and optimal solar system performance. With our experienced roofing know-how and expertise, we can ensure your home projects are secured from harm – making Solar by Peak to Peak the perfect solar company choice for protecting your home!

Why Going Solar is the Right Choice in Colorado

Going Solar in Colorado is becoming an increasingly attractive and viable option for homeowners. Our solar power systems reduce electricity costs and provide clean, renewable energy miles away from the noise and pollution of fossil fuels. 

Clean Renewable Energy

Tap into the sun's cost-saving, clean energy with solar power and make a difference! Not only will you reduce your carbon footprint, but you will also save yourself some money while helping our planet.

Electricity Bill Savings

Say farewell to expensive electricity bills and invest smartly in renewable energy. Solar panels are an easy way to capture the sun's boundless power - saving money by up to $300 every month!

Solar Tax Credits & Solar Incentives

Investing in solar energy is the smart financial move of 2022 - reap up to 30% Federal tax credits plus local solar incentives and realize a significant savings impact.

Take Control of Your Energy

Maximize your energy goals with solar power! Go green and discover the cost savings associated with modernizing your home's electric system with the best solar panel installation company.

Solar Energy is a Reliable and Affordable Source of Power

Solar energy is a reliable and cost-effective solution for powering homes and businesses. Solar by Peak to Peak specializes in installing premium solar panels on rooftops, connecting the solar system to your electrical service, and offering financing options that fit your budget!

Our Colorado solar installers take pride in building a better community through solar technology and have been helping homeowners save money on their electric bills. We provide worry-free solar installation service that allows our customers peace of mind and a clean conscience that they are reducing their carbon footprint while reducing electricity costs.

Go solar today with Solar by Peak to Peak, allowing you the convenience of clean, renewable energy with the reliability of traditional power!

Many solar companies claim to install solar systems, but we offer solar panel systems and energy solutions, and that makes us one of the best solar companies of solar installers Denver, CO for residential and commercial customers.

Frequently Asked Questions About Solar Contractors & Solar Companies in Colorado

The process of installing solar panels generally includes the following steps:

  1. Assessment: A solar contractor from our solar company will first come to your home or business to assess whether or not solar energy is viable for you. They will examine your roof and the amount of sunshine it receives annually to ensure that installing solar panels is a good investment.
  2. Design: Our team will work with you to design a solar system that fits your needs and budget. We will consider the size of your home, the power you use, and the direction your roof faces to ensure that your solar panels are installed in the most optimal location.
  3. Installation: Once you have approved the design, our certified installers will install your new solar system! Our systems are designed with homeowners in mind – we take care of everything from permitting to installation.
  4. Activation: After your system is installed, the project manager will activate it, connect it to the electrical grid, and ensure everything is running as expected, starting your solar payback period.
  5. Maintenance & Monitoring: Solar companies in Colorado generally offer maintenance and monitoring services for their customers after installation. This includes checking inverters, ensuring proper function, and making necessary repairs/adjustments.
Get Started with Solar by Peak to Peak

Solar by Peak to Peak is here to answer all of your questions and ensure that you have a successful residential solar power system every step of the way. With experienced professionals and cutting-edge technology, Solar by Peak to Peak offers a variety of innovative solutions to fit your energy needs at a price that you can afford. Contact us today to learn more about what the Colorado solar industry can do for you!

Solar installation generally takes two to four days. Solar by Peak to Peak is one of Colorado’s most experienced solar contractors and solar companies in Denver Metro, and typically completes installations in just two days. However, larger or more complicated systems may take up to four days.

Issues that can delay the installation are complicated roof designs, unexpected obstacles like trees or debris, and bad weather. Solar by Peak to Peak is here to help you navigate potential delays. We will keep you updated on the progress of your installation so that you know exactly what’s happening every step of the way.

A residential solar system is ideal in Colorado’s sunny climate. Solar by Peak to Peak has the experience and technology to ensure your installation is done right, so contact us today to get started!

  • Lower your electric bills: Solar panels produce electricity during the daytime when you are likely using the most energy. This reduces your dependence on the grid and can lower or eliminate your power bill.
  • Save money on taxes: Solar installations may be eligible for federal, state, and local tax incentives. These incentives can significantly reduce the cost of going solar.
  • Take control of your energy: A solar power system gives you the ability to generate your electricity, which means you are less reliant on the grid. This can provide peace of mind in the event of a power outage.
  • Generate clean, renewable energy: Solar panels produce electricity without emitting greenhouse gases or other pollutants. This helps reduce your carbon footprint and fight climate change.
Roofing and Solar Installation by Trusted Professionals

Peak to Peak is a premier roofing and solar company in Colorado, and we are proud to offer comprehensive solar services to our residential customers. Contact Solar by Peak to Peak for a free inspection and solar quote to get started. One of our solar experts will come to your home, assess your needs, and help you determine if solar is right for you. We understand that going solar is a big decision, and we are here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today to get started!

No, you do not need to replace your roof before installing solar panels, but it is vital to have a good roof before attaching them. Solar contractors will generally examine your roof to ensure it is in good condition and can support the weight of the solar panels before installation.

If your roof requires significant repairs or replacement, it’s wise to get that taken care of before installing a rooftop solar system. If a roof becomes compromised and needs repair, the solar panels must be disconnected and removed until the structure is ready. Our assessor will evaluate your roof to ensure it is prepared, and our sister company, Peak to Peak Roofing, can repair or replace your roof if necessary.

Solar by Peak to Peak is one of the best solar companies in Denver Metro and Colorado, committed to helping you adopt renewable energy and manage solar panels cost options in the most effective and efficient way possible, so contact us today to learn more!

Replace Your Roof and Install Solar Panels at the Same Time

If you are considering installing solar panels, having a solid roof in good condition is crucial. However, if you are already considering replacing your roof, there is no reason not to install solar panels simultaneously! Solar installers will examine your roof before installation and will only proceed if they believe it is in good condition.

Solar by Peak to Peak offers a wide variety of residential solar solutions that fit any budget or energy needs. Contact us today for a free consultation.

The solar industry is becoming increasingly popular as people seek to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and switch to green energy. However, many people are still determining whether they should install solar power on their own or hire a contractor from a reputable solar company. Solar installation is a significant investment, but it can save you money in the long run.

Here we will explore the pros and cons of installing solar panels on your own vs. hiring a contractor.

Do it Yourself 

Solar panel installation is one of the most popular ways to leverage the power of renewable energy sources. Still, there are a few things you should be aware of if you’re considering taking on the project yourself. Solar panels require an in-depth understanding of electrical wiring and circuit design, so a lack of knowledge can lead to dangerous mistakes or imbalanced power distribution. You also need some roofing expertise, so you don’t compromise your roof’s integrity when attaching the panels to your home.

Solar contractors are available to assist with identifying the best type and number of solar panels for your electric needs and expertly install them safely. Hiring a pro is the best way to guarantee that your DIY project goes smoothly and leaves you with a solar panel setup that performs optimally for years to come.

Hiring a Contractor 

Solar by Peak to Peak is a reliable residential solar contractor in Colorado that offers quality service and personalized attention. Solar contractors are experienced professionals who take care of everything from permitting to installation. You can always hire a contractor if you feel uncomfortable installing solar panels or prefer not to do the work yourself.

Whether you install your solar panels or hire a solar installation company, Solar by Peak to Peak can help you get the most out of your investment. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let’s explore your options!

As we navigate towards a more sustainable future, solar energy emerges as a powerful player in the residential energy landscape. But what makes it such a compelling choice? Let’s delve into the key benefits of harnessing solar power for your home.

The Key Benefits of Residential Solar Energy
Financial Savings

One of the most enticing benefits of solar energy is the potential for significant savings on your electricity bill. By generating your own power from the sun, you reduce your reliance on the grid, leading to lower monthly electricity costs. Furthermore, as utility rates continue to rise, your solar savings will only increase over time.

Increased Property Value

Homes equipped with solar energy systems often command a higher resale value. A study by Zillow found that homes with solar energy systems sold for 4.1% more on average than comparable homes without solar power. Thus, investing in solar saves you money now and offers a substantial return when you sell your home.

Environmental Impact

Solar energy is a clean, renewable source of power that significantly reduces carbon emissions. By choosing solar, you’re not just saving on your energy bills; you’re contributing to a healthier planet by reducing your carbon footprint.

Energy Independence

Solar energy systems can provide a reliable source of energy even during power outages, ensuring you can keep the lights on when the grid goes down.

Low Maintenance Costs

Modern solar panels are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and require minimal maintenance. Moreover, many solar providers offer lengthy warranties, providing peace of mind that your investment is protected.

Access to Incentives and Rebates

Many states offer attractive incentives and rebates for installing solar panels, which can significantly reduce the initial cost of your system.

Solar Works Everywhere

While the amount of sunlight varies, solar energy can be harnessed anywhere. Even in less sunny areas, modern solar panels can still generate significant power.

Power Your Home with the Sun and An Expert Solar Company

Residential solar energy presents an exciting opportunity to save money, increase your home’s value, and contribute to a healthier planet. Harnessing the power of the sun is not just a smart financial decision; it’s a step towards a sustainable future. Contact Solar by Peak to Peak today to learn more about the benefits of residential solar energy.

As one of the best solar companies in Denver Metro and throughout Colorado, Solar by Peak to Peak is committed to providing quality service and personalized attention to each client. Our team of experts will guide you through the process, from initial consultation to installation and beyond.

Let us help you positively impact your home’s energy consumption and the environment with residential solar systems. Contact us today for a free consultation!

You're helping to create a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Solar by Peak to Peak is an excellent choice for anyone looking to help create a cleaner, more sustainable future. Solar energy adaptation is rising, and solar system contractors are working hard to bring cost-effective and reliable solar solutions to households and businesses. By investing in a solar panel system with Solar by Peak to Peak, you’re supporting local contractors while also reducing dependence on fossil fuels and emissions.

Solar power is becoming cheaper, giving more people access, ability, and control over their own energy supply. You can feel good knowing that the money you spend is helping the fight against climate change, investing in renewable energy sources, and improving air quality for your family and community.